We are now on the threshold between summer and fall. Late harvest tomatoes, peppers, and greens are still plentiful, however the cooler temperatures start making us crave heavier warming foods.
I wrote about apples in my last blog, which are part of this harvest time.
Here are just 5 of my favorite super foods of this transitional season.
1) Sweet Potatoes: This fiber packed vegetable is also loaded with many vitamins, A and betacarotene to name just two. My favorite method of cooking is roasting with a small amount of olive oil, or coconut oil,and a dash of salt and pepper. They can also be steamed and prepared as a dip!
2) Broccoli: This is the vegetable for all your antioxidant needs, very high in Vitamin C and potassium. Being part of the cruciferous family it supports your bone, eye, and heart health as well.
Steaming is best but do not over cook! Try serving with a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon.
3) Lima Beans: Another vegetable with ample fiber, these beans will fill you up and keep you full longer. High in protein they have no cholesterol, and are fat free!
Steam them to use as a side dish, or add to soups and stews. They also puree well with herbs for a yummy dip!
4) Beets: I love beets!!! The color alone provides anti-inflammatory properties, these beauties also provide calcium and potassium. I love to roast, or steam them, removing the skins after cooking, or grating raw for a beautiful salad topper.
Do not forget the greens! Saute them with some onion and garlic and serve over pasta.
5) Grapes: It is grape harvesting time. Such a great, sweet treat when you are having a craving, they also hydrate due to their high water content. The skins contain resveratrol and they may reduce allergy symptoms.
They are a delicious treat as is, or freeze for a special frozen treat.
What is your favorite food at this time of year? Leave a comment in the space below!
Need more tips or help deciding what to eat for optimum heath?
contact me for a free consultation www.heidi-colella.com
Image courtsey of dan from freedigitalphotos.net
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