Wednesday, December 12, 2012


      The holidays mean many things to many people, gratitude, family traditions, and celebration. 
It is so easy to get caught up in the festivities of the season. Parties, over consumption, extra   demands and financial stretching, cause us to sleep less, drink more and slack off our normally           
healthy routines and self-care. This adds up to increased stress, depression and exhaustion.

Lets set some goals this holiday season to help embrace the true spirit of the holidays with grace. Plan ahead to keep it simple. Infuse thoughtfulness into your gifts and food. Allow yourself to say no to anything that does not add to the joy of the season for you. It will be the best gift you can give yourself and others.
  1. Find ways to celebrate what really matters. There is no need to rely on overspending and over consumption. Be creative. Make the time to spend with those you care about and are important to you.
  2. Give yourself some kindness and self-care. Take time to pause, appreciate stillness, and breathe. What is it that renews you? Makes your day run smoother? Take a walk outdoors. Have an afternoon cup of tea. Take a yoga class. Make time for that soothing bath.
  3. Give kindness to others. Offering a smile and assistance to a harried stranger can make all the difference. Volunteering when possible provides a richness and fulfillment to you as well as others. Spend time instead of money to make memories.
  4. Let go, celebrate gratitude. Forgive people, release negative feelings and self-talk. Focus on what brings joy to you and those around you, embrace the true spirit of the holidays.
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